about glenrac

The Glen Innes Natural Resources Advisory Committee (GLENRAC) was formed on 22nd June 1989 by a group of people interested in land management and land conservation issues in the local area. GLENRAC became an incorporated body in 1992.

GLENRAC celebrated 30 years of service to the community of Glen Innes in 2019.

GLENRAC works in unison with landholders, local government agencies, and Federal and State government departments such as the Department of Climate Change , Energy, the Environment and Water, NSW Department of Primary Industries, and the Northern Tablelands Local Land Services.

our mission

Our mission is to provide effective management and coordination of the productive environmental and social resource base of the Glen Innes District. 


OUR Objectives

  • Reverse the decline in native vegetation

  • Control feral and pest animals

  • Encourage awareness and understanding of natural resource management

  • Control and manage weeds

  • Plan for improved water quality

  • Encourage sustainable farming practices

  • Prevent soil erosion while improving soil structure and increasing soil fertility

  • Prevent catchment degradation

  • Rehabilitate mine sites

  • Secure funding for natural resource management initiatives.

Learn more about GLENRAC